Our Team
Lucas is the founder of Learn the Land. He is a jack of all trades, with great passion for wildlife tracking, foraging, and fly fishing. He handles everything on the business end and instructs the wilderness survival courses.

Lucas Pflueger Sanz (Sweden)
Frej is happiest when he's out on the rocky coast of Southern Norway, fly rod in hand. He is an expert in multi-species saltwater fly fishing, and he loves to share this passion with his guests as a guide.

Frej Signal (Norway)
Andreas was inducted into the world of fly fishing at a young age by his family. He is a master of targeting a variety of species and guides our saltwater fly fishing in Denmark.

Andreas Sørensen (Denmark)
Most alive with a fly rod in hand, Cordelius has spent countless days on the Danish Coast. He has worked extensively as a salmonid biologist and guides saltwater fly fishing in Denmark.

Cordelius Hultberg (Denmark)
Ville's life has always revolved around the outdoors- from a young age, hunting, fishing, and foraging were a part of his reality. He is a passionate fly angler and woodsman and wants nothing more than to welcome guests into his favorite spots and share his knowledge with them. He guides grayling and trout fly fishing in central Finland.

Ville Lehtomäki (Finland)

Organization Info
Learn the Land
Registered for F-Tax
VAT Registration number: SE030618449001
Business Address
Söderarmsvägen 26A lgh. 1210
Johanneshov 12154
Email: info@learntheland.se
Phone: +46-70 524 58 25
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